Are you trying to save money selling your property yourself when you already have a buyer?

If you already have the buyer and seller on a transaction, then we are the firm to help you.  On a $150,000 sale/purchase transaction, Carvajal Law Firm could potentially save you the 3% - 6% of the Real Estate Agents commission totaling between $4,500 - $9,000.  Using one of our pre-built real estate packages and receipting it at our office to handle your purchase or sale could potentially save you thousands of dollars in the end.  

Contact us and we will send you any of the following pre-built real estate packages with in 24-48 hours at no charge!


Cash Packages:

  • Farm and Ranch Contract
  • One to Four Family Residential Contract (Resale)
  • Unimproved Property Contract

Seller Financing Packages:

  • Farm and Ranch Contract
  • One to Four Family Residential Contract (Resale)
  • Unimproved Property Contract

Third Party Financing Packages:

  • Farm and Ranch Contract
  • One to Four Family Residential Contract (Resale)
  • Unimproved Property Contract